Journal Entry 4

Date: 15.-17.4.2024


- Implemented game completion / ending

- Added timer + best time tracking

- Arranged background props

- Added dialogue (posts)

- Fixed some bugs (with death screen, buttons,...)


Apart from implementing the end game logic (interacting with the ship at the end), the rest of my focus was on more minor things. Arranging props and adding dialogue was more of a manual job, not that interesting. Implementing the ending logic wasn't that hard either, although after implementing interaction with the ship, I realized there was already a script for this in the Gamedev kit. Oh well :).

A lot of my time was spent on implementing the timer, displaying it on screen and in the final menu + tracking and displaying best time. I had the logic of the timer implemented quite quickly, but displaying it and keeping best time between scene reloads took me some time as I had never done that before in Unity. Also anchoring the timer on screen was a bit tricky as it changed on different display sizes, so finally I put it on the top center of the screen:

I also fixed some bugs, mainly reloading scene when dying and resetting positions of boxes. It all seems easier now, but everything took me a bit of time to understand the code in the Gamedev kit.

Invested hours: 

Implementing game end logic: 2.5 hours

Adding timer + best time: 4.5 hours

Arranging background props: 1.5 hour

Adding dialogue: 1 hour


Updated the work in progress project on MFF Gitlab and first build on

Files 92 MB
Apr 17, 2024

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