Journal Entry 1

Date: 25.2.2024 (updated 2.3.2024 due to HW changes)


- Installed Unity (+ VS Extension) 

- Downloaded and imported 2D Game Kit (+ fixed RuleTile)

- Went through the "Explore the Unity Editor" tutorial

- Read through "Platformer Microgame" tutorial (which is for a different template project)


This was my first time working with Unity (I have used GameMaker before). The first obstracle was figuring out which tutorial to follow (since some links were for the other "Platformer Microgame"). I decided to at least read it anyway to get more comfortable with Unity. Otherwise it was pretty easy to follow all the steps in the tutorials, the Unity interface is very intuitive.

The only thing I was not able to do was place down some of the tiles from the Tile Palette but this was promptly solved at second practicals so it works perfectly now. This is how it looked before:

Tile is not visible when trying to place it (and doesn't appear even after clicking)

Invested hours: 

Installations: 2 hours (had to install twice)

Tutorials: 1.5 hours


Uploaded a build to of the example project.

Files 142 MB
Mar 02, 2024

Get Project T

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